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CLAY facilitates a wide range of programmes and activities for young people in the Lower Crumlin area

Our Funders

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City of Dublin ETB - Youth Services Logo

CLAY Youth Project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union

Please see for more information

Celebrating 21 Years of CLAY in 2025!

21 years of CLAY

What We Do

We are committed to the delivery of high quality youth-work programmes and activities to all young people in the local community. CLAY supports their personal and social skills, a sense of belonging and ownership through active participation within the project and the community.

Who We Are

Based in Lower Crumlin, we're a community based Youth Project. CLAY provides a range of services to enhance life skills and opportunities for young people in the area, including targeted young people.

Young People's Activities

Check out our gallery of various activities and projects by the young people who joinned CLAY. These include outside activities such as a TV music show, kayaking, jet-ski and banana boat.

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CLAY CLG is a Registered Charity with the Charities Regulator and you can find our information here

CLAY CLG complies with the Governance Code for community, voluntary and charitable organisations in Ireland. You can find out more about the Governance Code here

Download a copy of our latest published Annual Accounts here

Compliance with Sector-Wide Legislation and Standards:
The company engages proactively with legislation, standards and codes which are developed for the sector. Crumlin Lower Advancing Youth CLG subscribes to and is compliant with the following:

  • The Companies Act 2014

  • The Charities SORP (FRS 102) - The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland for Accounting and Reporting by Charities (Statement of Recommended Practice).

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